Comparison & Development of interview skills


Interview about film


Interview about music


Vox Pop Video


The vox pop was the first video made which shows in the quality of the filming and editing as it is very poor. I have shown progress in how well I can edit sound using Premiere Pro because in the vox pop it is hard to hear and the volume drops too low  and too high a lot. The camera quality has improved in the interviews about music video because we had the equipment to make the picture clearer and a tripod so that there wasn’t shaking. Also, with the interviews about music, watching it it is obvious our group made an improvement in being more aware of sounds in our location as we chose somewhere much quieter than the previous videos which made it far easier for an audience to watch the video.

Despite our mistakes, we did ask very good interview questions as they were open questions, providing us with elaborate answers. Also, the interviewer was eye level with the interviewee showing very professional skills. The camera kept still in the interview about music which shows we used equipment properly and placed the camera to give the rule of three.

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